Bring quality specialty care to your community. Support your primary care, urgent care, and hospital providers.
Beam Telemedicine programs have been accredited by The Joint Commission since 2015.
We document in your EHR and proactively communicate with the referring providers as needed.
Avoid patient leakage & improve resource utilization with specialty labs/imaging.
Curbside consults in < 2 minutes for those quick questions.
Econsults for focused chart review and clinical guidance.
Tele-consult for complex patient interview & recommendations.
Treatment recommendations
Symptom monitoring
Routine follow ups
Treatment recommendations
Symptom monitoring
Routine follow ups
Imaging Recommendations
Treatment plan
Provide clinical guidance to referring provider.
Less than 1 day Interpretation
Team based communication
Provide clinical guidance
Provide non-urgent inpatient consult and support hospitalist team to manage complex respiratory patients locally.
Give your emergency room and inpatient providers support to better manage patients at your facility without having to wait for hours for a call back.
This is where we started and we know firsthand the limitations when it comes to access to specialists. Avoiding unnecessary inpatient transfers and outpatient referrals. Avoid waiting days for final reading on echos and holters.
Let Beam Healthcare’s team of board-certified clinicians help your core specialty team with rounding and consults.
PACE programs play a special role in our society taking care of some of the most complex patients in the community. We are able to help avoid unnecessary specialty referrals, transportation costs, and delays in care with access to multi-specialties
Let us help you grow your clinical programs with quality and accountability.